How to Heal Your Unconscious Blocks

heal unconscious blocks

Learn how to heal your unconscious blocks and negative patterns.

Syma shares Goddess coaching to help you heal your inner blocks:

  • How to access your unconscious self and inner mind before you can heal inner blocks (with Goddess Persephone, Queen of the underworld).
  • How to uncover your inner blocks with Goddess Psyche.
  • How to hold space for yourself through sacred ceremony and rituals so you can clear inner blocks (with Goddess Nephthys).
  • How to heal your subconscious through shadow work and inner child healing (with Goddess Ereshkigal).
  • How to heal through forgiveness as you learn your spiritual lessons and increase self-worth, self-love, and self-compassion (with Goddess Kuan Yin).
  • How to reprogram your unconscious mind, reset negative conditioning and clear self-sabotaging patterns (with Goddess Sedna).

These tips to heal underlying blocks will help you uncover the inner root cause of your outer struggles so you can clear negative patterns and move forward to manifest your dreams with self-empowerment.

Let us know which Goddess you most need to work with to heal your inner blocks and please share this video with your friends!

Goddess Sedna: Reprogram Your Unconscious Patterns!

goddess sedna

Are you ready to delve into the darkest depths of your unconscious so you may heal and reset your inner patterns? Are you ready to align your inner mind so that it fully supports and empowers your greatest dreams? Then join us here for our Goddess Sedna Online Circle live or anytime via replay./p>

Join Our Virtual Sisterhood – Monthly Goddess Circles


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Join our Monthly Goddess Circles for more in-depth support and sacred sisterhood. Each circle includes Divine Feminine teachings, Goddess rituals, a live Goddess meditation and a 3-card Goddess oracle reading.

To receive my one-on-one sacred feminine and spiritual support, you may book a live Skype Goddess Coaching Session and inquire about my private program, “Heal and Transform Your Greatest Inner Blocks” if you feel called to embrace deep transformation.

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