At every New Year, I do a 12-card oracle reading for myself to receive Divine guidance and messages for each month of the year. This sacred tradition brings such clarity, encouragement and support for the entire year, as each card serevs as a “theme” that anchors my intentions and energy every month.
In 2015, I began offering these readings to my beloved tribe for a limited time (usually during December/January), and I am delighted to continue this tradition as we are initiated into 2020.
Every year brings with it fresh opportunities, blessings and lessons, and when we open to receiving Divine guidance from the onset, we empower ourselves to work in harmony and alignment with these potential energies, instead of struggling against them.
Divining through the sacred tool of oracles–and specifically working with the Goddesses–is an especially powerful way for us women to awaken and hone our Sacred Feminine gifts in the coming year. And we need to harness our gifts fully, so that we can manifest our dreams with ease, joy, and grace, and face any initiations with courage and surrender.
Plus, it’s just so wonderful to get insights into our most pressing questions and heart’s deepest desires for the coming year!
This is why I am delighted to offer you 12-card, month-by-month Goddess Oracle Readings with me for a very limited time.
In addition to the messages from your reading, I will also offer Goddess and spiritual coaching to empower you with tangible, inspiring steps to follow the divine messages.
In addition to the live reading, you will also get two super special bonus gifts:
A JPG picture of your oracle reading
($15 value)
A downloadable MP3 recording of your session
($30 value)
Session Question Options:
If you wish, you can ask to focus on a specific area (love, career, health, wealth etc.) for 2020. Otherwise, I will focus on getting higher level insights on what’s in store for you, and how you can co-create the year you desire and deserve.
Let’s uncover the gifts and guidance the Goddesses want to share with you so that you can work in oneness with them, the Divine, your angels and guides and your own soul to co-create a magical and miraculous New Year!
It’s your time to flourish, sister.
60 Minute, 12-Card Goddess Oracle Reading via Skype, $150
Purchase Period: January 2020 based on availability
Redeemable until January 31, 2020
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