In Mother Healing for Women, Syma shares how daughters and cure their childhood and adult mother wounds by:
Divine Goddesses, Mother Mary, Isis, Kuan Yin, Brigit, Gaia, Artemis, Demeter, Damara, Eireen and Parvati,
I ask for your full support in healing my mother wounds.
Help me acknowledge and honor my journey honestly and purely.
Help me open my heart, mind, body and soul to releasing all pain I experienced with my earth mother.
Help me be willing and fully able to forgive her and free my self.
Help me heal and balance all karma and soul contracts with my mother.
Help me bless her on her path and thank her for what she came to teach me.
Help me keep only the lessons and love as I move forward.
Help me create a healthy relationship with her that honors us both where and as we are.
Help me learn how to nourish, love and mother myself and my inner little girl.
Help me honor my needs and tend to them with deep love and care.
Help me release any patterns of self-sabotage connected to my mother wounds.
Help me become empowered to create new patterns and relationships in alignment with my divine worth and value.
Help me step fully into my power, light, beauty and potential.
Help me be able to receive all that I desire and deserve as your holy and beloved daughter.
Help me receive all your love, support, guidance, gifts and graces, my divine mothers.
May all daughters and all mothers be healed and blessed in all ways.
So be it. Amen.
To receive Syma’s one-on-one sacred feminine coaching and spiritual support for healing your Mother or inner wounds and flourishing in every way, get started by boooking a Goddess Initiation Session with her.
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