Alisha Z
Just a few months ago, I had experienced the most tragic event of my life which actually became a life changing experience for me. The tragedy had left me in a lot of pain and suffering. I was unhappy, grief stricken, & depressed with completely no direction in life. I had lost trust and was shattered from inside. Apart from my personal life I was also very unhappy at work. I felt stuck and confined in the workplace. I wanted to just quit and run away from it all.
One day, I came across reading a quote which said “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” For days I reflected on this quote and it resonated with me. At that time, I didn’t know what I needed to do but I knew I had to do something. I started searching for that “something”. A friend of mine had told me about past life regression and I just felt like I needed to get this done. The more I looked into it, the more curious I became and one evening, I was browsing through youtube videos and landed on finding soulmate love video by Syma. I was immediately captivated by this video so I decided to contact her and asked if she did a past life regression. She did and I had a wonderful session with Syma that day.
I felt so much lighter after the session that it was as if my body and soul have been wanting this for a very long time. It was truly an amazing experience for me. It was from this moment on, I started my journey of self discovery and self healing and what a blessing to have Syma be the guide!! I truly feel blessed and my heart is filled with joy of all the support I have received from Syma. She’s a beautiful soul and her sessions are extremely valuable to me. I used to count days till our next session.
There was an instant connection between Syma and I which blossomed into a beautiful sisterhood bond. I enrolled myself in the “90-Day Manifest Soulmate Love Transformation Program” and through this program, I realized what self love was all about. I became connected with myself and in alignment with my true self. My life has changed completely ever since then. I am a happier, confident, & a positive person full of love. I have landed an awesome job and work with amazing people and live in a beautiful home. I'm living a life full of beauty and love. I’m completely at peace with myself and I LOVE THIS feeling. It’s precious and priceless. Wonderful things happen to me daily and I am left in awe for all the love I receive from people.
I realized I had completely changed when I felt compassion for those who have wronged me in my life and wanted to pray for them. I actually never thought I would ever be able to practice forgiveness but I did and I did it with a compassionate understanding from all the support from Syma.
I still can’t believe sometimes that I’m living this life. This has been the most wonderful start of a new year for me and it’s just getting better and better and it has only been 4 months. I feel like I’m a brand new person and my friends and family have noticed this change in me as well. They share their thoughts of how they felt this tragic incident would leave me to live a life of despair for lifetime and how amazed and happy they are to to see me with so much life, love, positivity & confidence, and are actually quite surprised of this change in such short amount of time considering how I was just a few months back. I've never been like this ever before.
Syma is an amazing person with so much wealth of knowledge and compassion for the people that she works with that it’s truly a blessing to have her as your guide. After completing the "Manifest Soulmate Love" program, I felt very happy with the results but sad for not being able to look forward to my bi-weekly sessions with her. I knew my journey didn't end here. It just started and I have so much more to grow spiritually. It was just about the right time that I then enrolled in “Awaken & Reclaim Your Spiritual Gifts Transformation Program” with Syma.
Thank you so very much dearest Syma for all your support in my transformation. You have helped me in so many ways in becoming the person i am today:) My heart is filled with joy and I wish you loads of happiness and love forever.
Love you loads Syma , you are a beautiful soul!
Alisha Z Boston, U.S.A. Mar. 17, 2016
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